
The Miracle of Tithing

2 min read

I have always paid my tithing.  I don’t dare not pay it!   Why would I not want all the blessings it brings?  I give God 10%.  He blesses it and gives it right back to me in the form of beautiful temples and church buildings; missionary work; educational services; seminary and institute; learning and music materials; church programs and activities; family history; humanitarian and welfare aid.  The tiny portion I give is but a drop in the ocean with which God blesses the world!

As you know by now I was a poor college student.  I knew what a little hunger felt like.  But, I always paid a full tithing.

Here is my sweet miracle.  I had chosen to pay my tithing instead of buying groceries.  I was walking home from BYU to my apartment that was located about one mile away from campus.  It was a lovely day and I was almost humorously praying, “Well, Heavenly Father,” I thought.  “I’m in a rather sticky situation down here.  I am out of food and I have no money.”  I was still cheerful and figured things would all work out.

I climbed the steps to my apartment, reached into the mailbox to gather our mail.  To my utter amazement there was a letter addressed to me.  It was from my uncle, Wynn Jeppsen.  He had never written to me before (and he never did again).  Inside the envelope was a check for $50 with a short note saying, I thought you could use this.  Tears still come to my eyes as I remember this experience.  I could buy food!!!

Some might say that it was a funny coincidence, but I know better.  The laws that govern the principles of tithing had operated on my behalf that day and I knew it.

Steve and I have always paid a full tithing and a generous fast offering.  We have never known want.  I do not write these things to boast.  I write this story as a sweet encouragement to any who may read.  Come and partake of the blessings of tithing.  Don’t be tempted to cheat the Lord.  He will keep his word.  He may let you know a little hunger and deprivation to test your commitment, but things will eventually work out.  Your needs will be met, even if it seems impossible.  I know this.  I have lived it.  I am grateful for the privilege of paying tithing.

1 Comment

  • Reply Jeff at

    So true. I don’t think I could afford to not. In our situation, our cars have lasted longer with minimal maintenance and our medical expenses have been low. Obviously, this is different for everyone, but I’m not interested in closing the windows of heaven. God keeps his word. Thanks for passing this on to me.

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