My last day at Ricks College I sat on the back of the couch and cried like a baby. I felt like my life was ending. I loved Ricks College with all my heart, and I just knew that BYU would never compare. Little did I know that BYU would hold a string of miracles that would change my life forever!
For the life of me I cannot remember how I found my apartment at BYU. I just remember my cousin, Vaughn driving me to Provo two weeks before BYU started in his old truck. He was determined to teach me how to drive stick shift and made me drive. I did okay until I had to stop and start. Then it was awful. The truck would jerk, sputter and die. He would just laugh his head off while I panicked.
I moved to Provo early because I had to find a job in order to support myself. Ricks College would only allow you to work 15 hours a week on campus, but BYU allowed you to work 20.
I loved being a secretary and decided to start there. The Employment Center at BYU required a typing test that I did great on. They handed me five different employment cards. I was to choose one and go for an interview. I only remember two of the cards; one for the Honors Program office; and one for the College of Engineering.

(The Honors Program office was in the Harold B. Lee Library.)
The Honors Program office sounded interesting so I went there first. I got the job and was to start when classes did. I would work in the morning and take my courses in the afternoon. I had no idea that I would meet my future husband in that office. The hand of God was working in my life for which I will be eternally grateful.
I found another small job for a week cleaning apartments while I waited for school to start. I was so excited and a little scared because I was alone. I had decided to move into an apartment where I wouldn’t know anyone. It turned out great.
Heavenly Father let me know that I wasn’t alone that very first week. I had bought some groceries and had eaten a yogurt for breakfast. It had tasted fine and I didn’t realize that it had gone bad. Within a couple of hours, I was curled on my bed in agonizing pain, vomiting my head off with a horrid case of food poisoning.
I asked my roommate to please call someone to give me a priesthood blessing. I had never been so deathly ill. She knew two returned missionaries who were more than happy to come right over to administer to me.
I was moments away from one of the sweetest miracles of my life. I was curled in a quivering ball as they blessed me. The moment they said amen, the pain and illness disappeared completely. I laid very still afraid it would return, but it was really gone. In an instant I had been healed like the miracles of old. I was not alone. God knew where I was and what I needed. He was watching over me every step of the way. I was in His hands and I never feared again.
How did I not know you went to Ricks? I wonder if my parents were there at the same time as you! Fun that you met Steve when you had courage to move to Provo. I’d like more details on that part of your life!
They are coming.