(My Elementary School in Ririe, Idaho)
The first day of school was thrilling for me. I had really enjoyed Kindergarten, especially the juice and cookie we always had for our snack. I was very eager to learn but had no idea what to expect. I was the oldest in my family and had no older sibling to advise me.
Recess amazed me! The play-ground was crawling with kids everywhere! It was a real problem getting a turn on the merry-go-round or the swings. I was not fast enough to get there first. I love swinging. These were the tallest swings I had ever seen and they called to my soul! I just stood there watching the other kids play waiting for my turn.
All of a sudden a funny loud bell rang from the school and magically all the kids left the playground. I had no idea why they’d gone inside, and I didn’t care. Now was my chance. I quickly seated myself in a swing and began to soar through the sky. It was wonderful. I had the whole place to myself!
It had only been a few minutes when a fellow first-grader came running across the playground to get me. Miss Olson, my teacher, had noticed that I was missing and asked the other children if they knew where I was. Someone told her that they had seen me swinging. She sent the student outside to fetch me back to class. Evidentially that funny loud bell meant that recess was over and it was time to go in. Oh, well – my quiet time on the playground was over.
* * *
(By the way. The first word I learned to read was “little.” I loved all the straight lines in a row!)
(Debbie’s First Grade Report Card)
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